
2 June 2018

How to burn an extra 100 calories daily - Part 2

#1) Stress less – Relax more:
Stress is the side-effect of today’s rushed lifestyles and is also a big problem when you are trying to lose weight. Stress causes the body to release a hormone called cortisol, which causes your body to store calories as fat.
#2) Take more 10” time-off – more breaks:
For each hour you spend sitting at your desk at work, get up and move around for 10 minutes. Better still, 50” seated and 10” standing to make up your work hours. Take a short walk to get a drink of water, go and use the bathroom on another floor or do some gentle stretching. You will find that it actually helps keep you alert and also leads to better productivity, which can lead to a faster promotion!
#3) Switch sides – shuffle more:
When you are carrying a heavy bag or any kind of weight, switch sides every 5 minutes. This will engage more muscles and burn more calories as a result, while ensuring that you don’t get sore muscles on one side of the body due to habitual carrying postures..
#4) Laugh more and more:
Laughter was, is and will continue to be the best medicine. It reduces stress, releases endorphins and even helps burn calories! Laughing for 10-15 minutes a day can burn up to an extra 50 calories. Watch a funny movie, subscribe to a comic channel, ring a friend that always cracks you up.
#5) Take the long way – walk more:
Park in the farthest spot, go to the restroom furthest away from your desk or even on another floor, get out of the lift one level early and walk the last flight of stairs, get off your bus one stop early and walk the rest of the way, zoom through the entire supermarket before checking out at the cash counter.
#6) Face-Time for real – connect more:
Stop ringing, emailing or texting colleagues. When possible, get up walk to them and have some human interaction. Not only will you burn some more calories, you will also form better bonds.
#7) Drink a few cups of strong green tea every day – more antioxidants:
In addition to caffeine, which increases your metabolic rate, green tea contains catechin polyphenols, plant chemicals that may also boost metabolism.
#8) Spice things up – more flavour:
Studies have shown that spicy food can create thermogenesis in the body, temporarily increasing metabolism, which results in more calories being burnt. Add some chilli flakes to your food or sauce to a dish or get some wasabi or curry.
#9) Play with the kids – more fun:
If you’re a parent, teaching your kids to increase their daily activity may save them from weight gain in the future. And it will help you, too! Play games outdoors with kids, walk them to school or to the bus stop. You can use the time spent walking to talk to them about their day, essential for bonding in today’s rush.
#10) Go (window) shopping – more satisfaction:
This one is a favourite of many! You can burn up to 400 calories in a 2 hour shopping session. Remember to leave cash and credit cards at home…

Tune in more into life, Have FUN!

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