"Change is the Law of the
This is amongst my favourite lines from the Bhagwad Gita.
Most of us, or rather all of us have a certain
resistance to change whether it be around us or inside us. Oh, we would be
happy if things or people did change
around us as per our expectations, which by the way are very different from one
moment to another! We are not happy when things change around us without our
having any say in it and we are definitely not happy when we realize that we
need to or are asked to change.
“I am like this.”
“ At my age, I cannot change.”
“ This is me, it is my character,
I cannot change.”
“You can’t expect me to change now.
I can’t.”
Ever heard that from someone you
know? Maybe from yourself? We usually
confuse our habits and behaviour with our personality.
We forget that everything is in a
state of constant flux, ever evolving, ever changing and we too keep changing
even if we think we are the same. Our circumstances and experiences shape us
bit by bit, take us further despite our resistance. Sometimes the changes are
dramatic and most often traumatic because we seek security and comfort in the
known. We resist with all our strength and are usually miserable during the
process. It takes time to come to terms with new circumstances and situations
but come to terms we must.
Another little Law states that
WHAT WE RESIST, PERSISTS. Resistance to change prolongs our unhappiness, we
feel trapped and cannot seem to find a way out. Things begin to settle down only
once we surrender and accept willingly or unwillingly that we cannot fight any
more. When we allow something Greater than us to take over, the transformation begins.
Our resistance keeps us from
experiencing the beauty of change, it keeps us from welcoming a change for the
better with Joy in our hearts.
Is change always for the better?
What if it is change for the worse?
The question here is, “What can
we really do to control it, whether for the better or for the worse?” In the
end, we have to accept it anyhow and it makes sense to make the most of it. So
eventually, we can ensure that it is for the better. We can keep on lamenting
that things have changed for the worse but that is only going to pull us down
more. Why not embrace change positively and with optimism so we can decide to a
certain degree how to go about it rather than being pushed around by the
currents of change without any direction?
We wish to control our lives, the
circumstances that shape our experiences but we cannot. With all the willpower
and all our force and strength, we can plan and intend to the best of our
ability and follow through but we know that we cannot have all things go as per
our expectations. There will be something not quite as we had imagined and we
allow this to throw us off track.
What we can control is how we
react to the unexpected that life throws at us and how fast we react determines
how fast we will get out of the whirlpool of indecision, unhappiness, turbulent
emotions which hold us to ransom and a general state of confusion.
Let us open our minds to change
and decide what to do about it, how to use it to our best interest, to shape
our destiny with our own hands. Taking this a step further, let us BE THE
CHANGE we have been looking forward to. Let us start within ourselves and
simply BE just a bit better, kinder, fitter, smarter, brighter, nicer than we
have been so far…
“I am like this now. I can be
what I want when I want”
“ At my age, I can change and
help others change.”
“ This is me, it is my character,
I have the power, I can change.”
“You can’t expect me to be static
now. I am living and vibrant and ever changing.”
How does that sound? To me it
sounds extremely Powerful!
Let us begin to harness change to
our wellbeing and share the progress and help others come forward.
We owe it to ourselves and to
those around us!
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