
9 November 2015


Let’s try and examine some of our excuses one by one:

I’m not sure IF I will follow it well. I’ll start when I am sure I will follow through.

I’m not sure IF I have the time. I’ll start when I will have the time, next week, next month, well maybe next year, or the next, or the next lifetime…(unless there won’t be a next lifetime and then it really won’t matter!)

I’m well…..enough; I couldn’t be bothered with anything more; I’m happy doing a zillion new things, prioritizing my wellbeing and pulling up my energy levels isn’t on my TO DO list unless the doctor orders it and even then as long as I have the pills to cure me I will get through one way or another….

I’m quite busy these days; I run around so many things, if I have to add another thing to my agenda, I’ll crash… (so I’ll simply wait to look seriously into my wellbeing until I crash!)

My family needs me; I am absolutely irreplaceable for them, so I will do my best for them putting myself last selflessly, their needs come first so I sacrifice my own. (Until I crash and they have to replace me!)

I’ve tried a million things, diets, methods, gym memberships, recipes before and I KNOW that nothing works for me. I cannot be fitter, slimmer, leaner, better…my genes are like this only. (Sounds somewhat like a famous actor from the South known for being realistic?)

Do any of the above sound familiar? We all know our own particular reasons to NOT make our own wellbeing a priority.Added to these in any combination or permutation, in my opinion, there is one very important underlying reason.


We all know it. We all know it well. We fear that it won’t go right, it won’t work, it will be too tough, we will NOT be able to do it. So, we procrastinate, we dilly-dally, we make up excuses and when the excuses are done and over with we stay blocked in the comfort of our comfort zone.

The funny part is that often more than the fear of NOT succeeding, we fear succeeding! What if it does work? What if we will be able to do it and it will go well and CHANGE our lives.

CHANGE!!! There we go again… we fear change, we fear having to get out of our comfort zone, even if we KNOW it will take us into a BETTER SPACE, into VIBRANT GOOD HEALTH and WELLBEING.

Then we WILL HAVE TO CHANGE a few more things in our lives, let go of things we are holding on to…
..and we aren’t ready yet.

Does it strike a chord in anyone?

Well, we needn’t go the whole way all at once. Let’s just start one tiny little step.


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